Primary Education lks

In our San Miguel Centre we impart all the levels of Primary Education (from Primary 1st to 6th). (State-subsidised).

The main objective in this stage consists in ensuring that our students acquire the necessary confidence to become more independent every day, in a happy, close and encouraging environment, but overall side by side with professionals committed to the LK Project and the families.

  • Monday to Thursday from 08:30 to 13:00 hours and from 15:00 to 17:00 hours.
  • Friday from 08:30 to 13:00 hours and from 14:00 to 15:00 hours.
  • Dinner: The students at this stage have the dinner service, as well as special diets, in two turns, according to the timetable of the afterschool activity chosen: First turn at 13:00 hours and second turn at 14:00 hours. During lunchtime the students are supervised by their teachers the entire time, to extend the education and learning of good habits beyond the classrooms.
  • Permanence: We offer a permanence service outside teaching-time, which would be, from 07:30 to 08:30 in the mornings and from 17:00 to 18:30 hours in the evenings, from Monday to Thursdays, and from 15:00 to 17:30 hours on Fridays.

We apply especially “active methods”, as we understand that real knowledge is a process of self-formation in which one ends up being the artisan of him/her-self. The student learns best when he does it personally – experimenting, observing, reflecting – through a process of auto-creativity.

Multilingual learning

At this stage we work daily with English. Moreover, continuing the trend created in Primary, we offer linguistic itineraries where the student chooses either French or German. Also, our students access external assessment of certification (Cambridge, Goethe) of their linguistic level within the European frame of languages.

Technological Resources

Our program is imparted, to a large degree, in smart and audio-visual classrooms. The smart classrooms (8) have 35 working spaces for the students and in them, the technological resources find their natural habitat and acquire the sense of working tool. We also have two additional audio-visual classrooms.

Following the trend initiated in Primary 1st, our Secondary students also have iPad devices as their own working tool in the classroom and at home, encouraging their interactivity and active and team learning.  The consultancy of own materials in the virtual campus, the work and self-evaluation units, make operative the use of the computer in the classroom. Its ability to store data, its plasticity when it’s time to do and redo documents, and as a source of research and consultancy, enables the students to not have to concentrate in memory tasks and allows them to adopt a more active role with mental problems of higher quality, making an efficient use of what’s learnt and transferring it to other areas of knowledge.

The Secondary afterschool activities acquire a special prominence. Despite our students growing up alongside academic thoroughness, there is always room to strengthen other disciplines which make them break away and enrich other aspects of their personality within their own School, with their classmates.

First Secondary cycle: Theatre, Basketball, Karate, Volleyball, Chinese, Rhythmic and Acrobatic Gymnastics, Fusion Dance, English Speaking, Study Control, Creative Expression workshop, Mathematical Logic, Sport Competitions (Rhythmic and Acrobatic Gymnastics, Karate and Basketball).

Second Secondary cycle: Basketball, Volleyball, English Speaking, Study Control, Press workshop, Sport Competitions (Basketball).

During the class-time our students also enjoy another series of activities destined to the development of their formation aside from the purely academic. At this stage of Secondary we try to offer, year after year, interesting activities which stimulate their interest for the society that surrounds them and we encourage them to go outside of the classroom to participate in them; activities in contact with nature, LK Hiking group, mountain excursions, theatre visits, scientific, sportive and cultural talks, storytelling, themed weeks, Variety Festival, solidary activities, visits to different organisms and institutions, etc.