Norms for coexistence

  • Keep alive “The Dream” with which Martin Luther King inspired us in 1963 and, consequently, promote coexistence, solidarity and non-violence in the Educational Community and Society in general.
  • Be loyal to the motto: “SCHOOL – DISCIPLINE – WORK”, practicing it daily.
  • Ensure by external certification (International Standard EN ISO 9001-2008) levels of quality and efficiency that the institution has consolidated throughout its history.
  • Take care, motivate and optimize human resources, aware of their essential value, to implement and continuously improve their Educational Project.
  • Maintain and improve, every year material, resources, and infrastructure in general, around the campus.
  • Progress in the implementation of new technological resources and make the presence of IKT in the classroom a constant reality.
  • Permanent updating training both teachers and support staff through courses, provided for this purpose, scheduled in the Quality Plan.
  • Design an exchange process with British schools for pupils 3rd and 4th of the Secondary school aiming to consolidate it for trimestral periods, in the near future.
  • Ensuring safety in general on campus for all people and, especially, that of our students within it, according to the protocol provided by the Emergency and Evacuation Plan.
  • To promote sports and cultural activities, aware of the importance of planning leisure time of children and adolescents in their education.
  • Share LK Education Project, giving up positions and individual interests in favor of the group and the common good.
  • Being educators to all LK students, in eradicating manners, gestures, words or inappropriate behavior, through personal example, respect, commitment and affection.
  • Implement and enforce health regulations and LK rules on hygiene, clothing and the environment.
  • Create a work environment in an effective and rigorous team, constantly focusing on the reasons for the activity, on the order and cleanliness.
  • Be punctual entering and exiting the School and class changes and instill in students the same punctuality.
  • Check absences and delays, communicating with families immediately in order to avoid the both of them.
  • Check and correct notebooks, valuing the work and attitude of each student to boost their motivation and effort.
  • Review with the students the exams and the homework once corrected, seeking for them to learn from their own mistakes.
  • Share with the Tutor, Educational staff, Coordinators, Head of Studies and Directorate the issues that prevent the normal development of the activity, looking together for a solutions, as soon as possible.
  • When evaluating, keep in count claims that each student acquires by his perseverance, hard work and discipline.
  • Encourage meeting with family / teacher / student to inform and be informed; to share concerns and join forces.
  • Ensure professional updating to be constant and effective. To this end they will develop their programming by objectives along with the processes and actions. It will be externally audited, yearly, based on the international standard EN ISO 9001-2008
  • Become familiar with the Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT) as value added in real time interaction between student and teacher.
  • Digitalize Methodology as new motivation and learning tool.
  • Respect the principles arising from the Ideology and these Rules of Behaviour, as a synthesis of character of the LK institution.
  • Be loyal to themselves, their parents and their teachers in all their actions and, in particular, when they are information carriers from the family to the Centre, or vice versa.
  • Comply with schedules and punctuality, as the best way to optimize the teamwork.
  • Do not leave the school during school time without permission.
    – Collaborate in the most favourable study environment, complying with the guidelines, given daily by teachers, for the execution of classes.
  • Accept the educational activities in a calm and positive attitude, complying corrective activities when they are required.
  • Practice coexistence, respect and solidarity with their classmates, schoolmates and coetaneous.
  • Participate in all college activities, where it is required, as a member of the educational community.
  • Honour teachers in their task of educators and teachers. Students will stand, as a sign of respect and hospitality, when they come into class.
  • Put the best of effort in personal hygiene and social intercourse (polite, right) with the entire educational community
  • Dress according to the recommended uniformity for each level, avoiding the use of hats or clothing that covers all or part of the face or head.
  • Refrain from certain signs, such as excessively long and / or painted hair, earrings for boys or “piercing” for girls / boys.
  • Taking the health regulation and advises and the ban on tobacco on school grounds, including the surrounding area for proximity reasons.
  • Respect and make good use of the facilities, equipment and furniture.
  • Contribute to the maintenance of the environment using recycling bins located throughout the campus, until achieving the total lack of papers and all kinds of waste into it.
  •  To be responsible in taking care of your belongings and respect for others’.
  • Communicate absences on the day they occur, by telephone, e-mail, fax or written note in the LK Agenda.
  • Justify the delays, by the same means, and avoid absences.Contrast information with teachers and tutors. Understanding the parent-child-educators interviews as desirable and necessary to work according to the good emotional and academic development of the student.
  • Arrange visits by telephone or e-mail.
  • Respect the schedules of entry and exit. Claiming social education of their children in family to control the possible negative influences of the street, TV, mobile devices and social networks
  • Prevent your children to handle money. Where necessary, give it to them day by day and keep track of how they manage it.
  • Provide tutors and teachers all information that can be useful in the educative task that is entrusted to them.
  • Sign and return with their children the “aware” of the Notes Newsletter about how much written information is received from the School, return receipt requested.- Mark the uniform items to avoid the loss- Do not take the children out during the school day.
  • Do not allow friends or relatives to pick the children up from school , without notifying to their guardians and transport system, if they make use of it.
  • Beware health claims and the Regulation of the Center on banning smoking on school grounds.
  • Collaborate with school transport in compliance with schedules and stops, if they make use of it.